Monday, May 17, 2010

Nikon Photography & Birdwatching Workshop 7th to 9th May 2010, Kinabalu National Park, Sabah, Malaysia, In conjunction with Sabah Fest 2010.

The first session of the workshop saw the participants engaged by Mr Cede Prudente on Nature Photography. Cede’s lively presentation together with his mesmerizing images and moving videos of nature and wide life of Sabah had the participants’ full attention.

Mr Kelvin Chan spoke on Travel Photography, he elaborated on the choice of subjects, composition, lighting and lenses to use under each circumstance. He also showcased his excellent collection of images from his vast travel and commercial assignments. 

Mr John Kong presented a talk on Discovering A World Of Subject With Nikon Lenses. He elaborated in depth on the available Nikon camera bodies and lenses and how to utilize them in real life photography assignments. His presentation included breathtaking images taken with the assortment of lenses.

Miss C S Ling, a young lady from Singapore spoke on Nature and Wildife Photography from her perspective. She has travelled to northern Japan and remote China to make thoughts provoking images of nature and wildlife. Being a lady, she shared with the lady participants on the challenges of being a lady nature photographer.

Mr T S Wong (That's me) spoke on Birds of Borneo, he briefed the participants on the number of species and endemics birds of Borneo, bird migrations, and ethics to be observed in bird photography. He also shared beautiful images of wild birds of Borneo.

Photo Review was carried out after second night's dinner, participants shared images captured during the field trips with other participants with critiques, comments and encouragements from the speakers.  

Jason Bugay Reyes spoke on Birdwatching and Digiscoping, he elaborated in depth on the working of the Nikon Binoculars and Fieldscopes. He also demonstrated the Nikon system of Digiscoping where you can achieve 1300mm focal length without breaking your bank and back. Images taken by Jason using the Digiscoping set-up were also displayed.

Tengku Adlin witnessed the signing of the MOUs by the donors of photographs for the benefit of Sabah Cheshire Home. The prints will be for sale all over Sabah with the proceeds donated to Sabah Cheshire Home.

Closing Ceremony by Tengku Adlin representing Datuk Masidi Manjun, Minister of Tourism, Sabah.

In between sessions, participants were taken into the field with various speakers for practical mentoring and exchange of ideas.
Mount Kinabalu
 Mosses on tree trunk
 White-throated Fantail Rhipidura albicollis
 Bird photography in action
 Participants, speakers and Tengku
Happy birding.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:14 AM

    That's great summary of the whole events. Wong sifu, must buy!
